Some help pages and videos are coming soon, but briefly:
The first thing you have to do is create a UserQuote SET for your quotes. There are 3 kinds of objects you create on the site, items (quote), sets (collections of quotes), and groups (optional, to let multiple people maintain your quotes).
So there are actually a couple of ways to show quotes on your pages.
1. The easiest way is to simply embed an iframe on any web page like so:
<iframe src="" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=80% FRAMEBORDER=0 TITLE="iframe quotes" ></iframe>
To see a sample of what this iframe would show just visit that url
That shows UserQuote *SET* number 4 which is the DonationCoder quotes set. So you would change nid=4 to whatever node # your set is. The iframe sidebar or whatever allows the user to page through your quotes and view the details of any of them.
There are lots of options for how to display the quotes and images, etc. That I will describe later.
The iframe method has the disadvantage of being an iframe, and making the server do all the work.
2. Another way is simply to link to the set page on the UserQuotes site itself instead of embedding quotes on your page.
For Example:'s the quotes again (set id 4) on a standalone page again with paging, but this time using a nicer javascript highslide option for displaying quote details without leaving the page.
And to let users anonymously submit new comments or review sitings, you'd send them to (replacing your set id of course).
3. Lastly the much more powerful way and the way that really caused UQ to be delayed and to become much more complicated and messy than was originally planned, and the way that has caused all kinds of problems, is using a special local caching-proxy php script.
The local script will be available to download soon -- it lets you embed quote boxes on any page on your site in any div id you choose without using any of the iframe limitations, and most importantly, it serves up the quote text/images locally from your server, by cacheing them from the main UserQuotes site as needed.
This has some advantages:
- Hugely less load on the main UserQuotes server, very scalable.
- Much more flexibly than iframe in terms of formatting it for your pages.
- Better experience for your users (nicer pop up quote details).
- Works fine even if goes offline.
- You can create your own custom themes, graphics, etc.
As well as some disadvantages:
- Harder to configure, setup, and diagnose.
I will be posting more info about the local script stuff soon.