Lovely piece of software again Skwire!

Would the following be possible:
(I haven't read the whole topic in detail, only a quick read)
If i create a new file (ctrl+n) and I don't change anything, and i drop a csv on it, could it be possible that you check the number of columns from the first row, and then create the exact number of columns and then add the data.
Because what happens now is the following:
I create a new file, and I get 4 columns.
When I drop a CSV on it with 7 columns, I end up with all the records with only 5 columns.
Here's the testdata:
Started On,Completed,Computer,Status,Total files,Infected,Scan Type
6/4/2008 3:17:53 PM,6/4/2008 3:40:09 PM,MYPC,Scan Complete,102660,0,Manual scan
6/4/2008 3:02:28 PM,6/4/2008 3:14:14 PM,MYPC,Scan Aborted,76046,0,Manual scan
6/3/2008 9:03:35 PM,6/3/2008 9:19:14 PM,MYPC,Scan Complete,99824,0,Manual scan
Oh, and could it be possible to define the "separator" per database?
So when I create a new database, I define ',' or ';' as separator. When I then drop a scv on it, it uses the configured separator.
One more thing (probably a bug):
If I drop a scv on it, the status doesn't change to "edited", so when I close snapdb, it doesn't save the data from the scv.

Thanks. :-)