Humm, playing a bit with Inconsolatas. It gets way too smudgy when any kind of font smoothing is on (cleartype or not). At 12pt, the l (lowercase L) is too big/fat/wide compared to the rest of the characters, and 10pt it's a bit too small. Other sizes don't work very well (it scales like crap, although font smoothing makes that less appearant). And for some reason, Incosolatas doesn't show up in Notepad++, so I was forced to test it in notepad :-s
Droid Sans Mono seems to be okay, but at 10pt and a 768px-height Notepad++ window, I lose 6 lines of text compared to 10pt Dina. Also, Italic text with Droid is a bit smudgy compared to Dina's �ber-crispness.
Same with Envy Code R, it doesn't work very well at 10pt, some characters are a bit too thin and some a bit too heavy, and I again lose around 6 lines of text.
It should be noted that I use "standard" font smoothing and not cleartype, cleartype is so smudgy and I simply can't stand it, means more strain on my wacko eyes, which is kinda the opposite as to what cleartype is supposed to do? . And I work at 10pt not 8pt, I guess my eyesight is going bad...
Simply haven't found any font that works as well as Dina for coding and other monospace use.
Thanks for the links, though
Re: Envy Code R
It is not strictly a ClearType font but without CT turned on, the diagonal lines look fat and fuzzy.
RE: Inconsolata and Notepad++
It shows up in Notepad++ just fine for me. It is a ClearType only font. MS-Consolas looks awful too with CT off. ClearType is really only for LCD screens.
While changing font sizes in Notepad++ just now with Inconsolata I noticed the line spacing doesn't change for sizes 12 and below... which creates a lot of vertical whitespace.
With Dina, I have the opposite problem as you. The editors i've tried won't recognize Dina's old .FON format. (MS) Notepad sees it and -- whoa -- it its huge compared to 8-pt truetype fonts. (That solves one curiosity -- I was beginning to wonder if Mouser _was_ that cat with telescoping vision from Disney's "Lady and the Tramp". I *think* that's the right flick.)
Hmm. Ok. After quitting Notepad++ and reset font smoothing from ClearType to standard. Then fired up Notepad++ again. It now lists Dina and (old) Courier (.FON files) but the linespacing problem I talked about with Inconsolata is affecting these fonts too.
Is this a Notepad++ problem or a font rendering gotcha or perhaps the lack of information in the .FON file itself.?