Found an interesting tidbit if anyone is interested:
http://cablegate.wik...09/09BERLIN1167.htmlIt goes on about the US view of some German political parties that are pro-privacy and against data sharing/collection.
ΒΆ1. (C) Summary: Current polling data suggest that the
Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) and the Free Democratic Party
(FDP) could receive sufficient votes in the September 27
national elections to form a governing coalition. The FDP
are strong defenders of citizens' privacy rights and these
views have led the FDP to oppose all of Germany's recent
counterterrorism legislative proposals, as well as voice
concerns about U.S.-German and U.S.-EU information sharing
initiatives. Throughout these debates, the FDP has favored
data protection measures over the need for governments to
strengthen security-related information sharing for
counterterrorism purposes. The FDP's strong views on
individual liberties and personal privacy could lead to
complications concerning law enforcement security cooperation
and data sharing. Were the FDP to join the government, we
expect they would closely scrutinize any proposals for
security officials to access and/or share information
concerning private persons with international partners,
including the USG. End Summary.
It's dry, so really only for those that have an interest in privacy and data protection. There's one section in there where they talk about gathering more information that is necessary 'just in case' and that it would only be used in "rare" circumstances.