Steel Storm- Episode 1 is available for download (265 MB). It is described as an indie Top-Down arcade shooter for the Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. Deathmatch and coop game modes;
- Exploration and time-trial gameplay types;
- Competition driven gameplay - master your skills to stay ahead;
- Intelligent AI knows no mercy;
- Hordes of enemies to destroy;
- Vast numbers of destroyable structures and obstacles;
- Huge territories to reclaim;
- 6 missions of various difficulty, for beginners & hardcore gamers, coop oriented;
- Edit or create your own missions with SandStorm in-game realtime multi-user editor.
Looks like Episode 2 will be a commercial project. I personally don't have much time to game anymore so I cannot comment on the quality of this game. I only mention it for the benefit of those who might be interested.