Some of my users and i are having a discussion about whether or not listening to online radio stations take up of our available internet pipe?
our pipe at school is a 6m ASDL line. It is 6mb up and down if that makes a difference. So if I have one user listening to a radio station, how do I determine how much of that 6mb they are using? The same would hold true of video, youtube videos, etc.
I have been doing a google search but am having problems coming up with something in clear and simple language. Also, we are not sending any streams, just receiving them.
I maintain that streaming anything actually opens up multiple connections to the internet and that is what uses up the pipe. If so, then how do you figure out how many connections you have open?
Most of the articles i can find on the web are to techincal for my brain,
so I figured someone here can translate this for me!