Recently, I have noticed a whole lot of changes going on on
Facebook which 90% of us seem to hate. (Pictures instead of words, countless privacy problems, changes to the theme that they never inform anybody about, and give you no choice other than to use it)...sort of feels like we are being led by a communist government while browsing the site.
My main question is, why do we still insist on using the site?
Is it because there is no other good option for what we do on facebook?
Perhaps its the ease of not having to register on another site?
Maybe its time for a change eh?
Anybody interested in making a new, social networking site, that doesn't make an ass of itself, and offers its users a chance to actually keep its setting how they where before, by adding cool new features, and giving the users the option to activate them, or keep the same, but if they do activate, give them a page to go back to previous versions/themes.
If so, inbox message me, this is something I have had in mind for quite some time.
No applications will be taken from anybody who wishes this site to make a crap load of money, and will be doing it for no other reason. The only reason I wanna do this, is cause i am SICK TO DEATH of moaning about Facebook, and want to do something about it.