Testing must be done by mutual agreement for jointly established purposes.
[The person being tested must want it.] Vocational counseling needs to be
between a person trained in counseling, with knowledge of occupational
information, and a person who can discuss their aspirations, abilities,
interests and plans. As a bare minimum, you need to know aptitudes,
interests, personality, intelligence and proficiency. Some battery tests,
such as those used by government employment services, measure
aptitude and intelligence. You need to avoid making a mistake based on
partial or incomplete information. The best hope of getting help is from a
Professional Psychologist specializing in vocational matters. Other help
may be received from government employment services, school guidance
departments and private employment services but you should check the
qualifications and reputations carefully.
For background information see:
Super, D. E., & Crites, J. O. (1962). Appraising vocational fitness (2nd ed.).
New York: Harper & Bros.
If you still want to take on this difficult task, and have other questions, let
me know and I'll try to dig up answers. My first full-time job was as a
Vocational Specialist with the Federal Government decades ago.
Cheers, sword