I am unable to get tcleggdrop_mcpsfuncs.tcl to work correctly. Ill explain more of whats going on after I describe my settings:
bottom of my eggdrop.conf file:
loadmodule blowfish
loadmodule uptime
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/tcleggdrop_mcpsfuncs.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
source scripts/relay.tcl
tcleggdrop_mcps_sitesettings.ini file:
putlog "McEggdrop TCL Helper Functions - settings file loaded."
set mcpskey(#channel) "key"
set mcpskey(#channel) "+OK"
set mcpsprefix(defaultprefix) "+OK"
set mcpskey(defaulte) "default.key.when.non.is.found"
set mcreplyonlyinkind "false"
set mcreplyneverplaintext "true"
set mcdontlistentoplaintext "silent"
set mcmeowreply "true"
set mcautomagic "true"
set mcencryptnick "true"
set mcmaxlinelen 440
I do not get any errors when starting the bot:
[03:06] McEggdrop TCL Helper Functions - settings file loaded.
[03:06] McEggdrop TCL Helper Functions v1.00.29 loaded (replyencrypt noplainreply meowreply automagicon noplainlistensilent).
I send the command, 'putallbots relay $text' .. this is sent from my hub bot, that does not have McEggdrop loaded into it.
In which $text contains an entire line of text. On the leaf bot, the one running McEggdrop i have this script loaded:
bind pub - !testme test
proc test { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
putquick "PRIVMSG #prefish :Hello $nick"
bind bot - "relay" relay
proc relay { bot cmd text } {
putlog "text >> $text <<"
set section [lindex $text 0]; set name [lindex $text 1]
putquick "PRIVMSG #channel :$text"
When i do !testme in any channel, the bot replies USING FISH "Hello jon8"
When using putallbots command from the hub, the bot does NOT send ANY text to #channel. It MUST BE NOTED that it does 'putlog' the text (first line after the relay procedure starts)[/code]