welcome to the site fu2, i appreciate your comments; i know i can get very frustrated when i am on websites and i am never as composed and nice as you when expressing my frustrations.
you don't have to donate, and you can still use the program, full features, without any nags.
just go to the license key page and grab a license key:
https://www.donation...r.com/Keys/index.phpthat license key will work for 6 months, after which you come get another, and then it's yours for life.
alternatively if you do decide you want to donate at some time in the future, you could just mail a letter with a stamp containing a dollar bill or a nice drawn picture, or whatever. or even just email me explaining why you wish you could donate but can't. those are all ways people can get a lifetime license key without donating.
we are a friendly site -- as annoying/confusing as the license key process can be -- it's in place not to punish people who can't/won't donate, it's there to make people consider donating, because in our current pocket of spacetime, people don't otherwise even give it a second thought.
feel free to email me (
[email protected]) if you still have trouble getting a license key.