Is it only me or have BBC obfuscated their rtmpe/rtmp streams so much by now that Snooper cant even find them?
When initiating playback sniffing the TAP-Win32 V9 adapter that I tunnel out of for UK access it only returns incomprehensible stuff like ....
5M2YÃyYzVhYzdhN2I5MWFmYzU4MjQ3ZDYyMGFkODU= flashVer WIN 10,1,82,76 swfUrl :Ã21576 tcUrl rtmp://ÃNDAyMiZkaWdlc3Q9YWU5M2YyYzVhYzdhN2I5MWFmYzU4MjQ3ZDYyMGFkODU= fpad capabilities @mà audioCodecs @¨î videoCodecs @Ão€
videoFunction ?ð pageUrl ^Ãls_Apart/
It s not anything else mucking it up as I can sucessfully retreive strams from iPlayer with another program I m using, but I d like to have access for the rtmp url directly for some tinkering I m doing.
Meh, maybe it s just me that cant figure out the output.