As mouser said: "Welcome!" You'll find this a fantastic site, with tons of really cool stuff (well, you already have, obviously, since FaRR counts for that all by itself...).
You asked a question on a subject that is really important to me - I don't know what your keyboard/mouse usage pattern is, but I NEVER use the mouse, if there's a faster way (and there usually is). I use Vim as my text editor of choice, the ViEmu plug-in for Visual Studio, Word, and Outlook, Vimperator to give me Vi keybindings in Firefox, Listary to allow navigation of Explorer & Open/Save dialog boxes, and FaRR, of course, for just about everything else...
As mouser also said, FaRRAltTab is a fantastic way to switch between open windows, but it stopped working on my system when I upgraded to .NET 4.0, so I had to look for alternatives (until mouser gets around to putting this functionality in FaRR). What I ended up doing was modifying an AutoHotKey script from their forum to my needs, and I uploaded it to
here a few days ago. It's a purely textual listing of your open windows that narrows as you type. I modified it to use a bit smaller font, so more windows would be visible, and a few other cosmetic changes, but the main thing I did was disable the Alphabetical sorting of windows, so they show up in "Z-order" instead (most recently used on top), and make it pre-select the second most recently activated window. That way, it can even replace the Windows built-in Alt-Tab with only the penalty of one additional keystroke (Enter), if you're only trying to jump back and forth between the last two, which I seem to do frequently.
I'll warn you, though: It's not "pretty" - no thumbnails, no feedback on keystrokes typed, no cutesy stuff, just an Alt-Tab replacement that works. (Have you ever tried to pick the word document you're looking for out of a list of 5 "they all look alike" thumbnails? But I digress...) On the other hand, I'll guarantee you there's no faster way to switch between windows, as long as you can remember part of title of the one you're looking for. If you need more details on how to use or install it, just ask, and I'd sure like to know whether you find it useful or not (if only so I get some indication of how weird I am...)