Hi everyone,
A radio station that used to post .pls links for the prior two weeks of programming has switched to a flash player that has no more functionality than Stop and Start. I wanted to be able to download the show's mp3 file and then play it through Winamp which has the seek bar amongst other things.
I am just beginning the jump into streaming audio and though I should post before getting too entangled with what is and is not possible in my situation.
Using UrlSnooper I gathered the following for a certain show:
http://kdhx.fm/archi...layer.rtmp-3.1.3.swfhttp://kdhx.fm/archi...=gabrielstinpanalleyLooking at View page source for the web page in which the flash player is embedded:
url: 'mp3:archives/1281978625.mp3'
netConnectionUrl: 'rtmp://'
I am not sure if this is all of what is needed to construct the URL for downloading the mp3 file or not but it seemed 'useful'.
The web site in question is located here:
http://next.kdhx.org...briels-tin-pan-alleyThanks for the help; I realize this question is redundant to some degree, but a push in the right direction is all I am hoping for.