Back around Win98/SE, there was a handy little app that was a network-aware Post-It note clone. 'Twas lost many crashes/upgrades agone, but I'd certainly like to find whether it still exists.
After I showed it to a compatriot in the Field Engineering department, it became somewhat of a
mailbomb tool, as it would send notes to any registered network address, even if that address was currently off line. Very handy, but also very frustrating if, when you logged onto the LAN, you suddenly received fifty (50) message windows
Dunno if it still exists on the Web, nor whether it would run with Win7, but I'd surely like to find it again.
If memory serves,
- it would store notes locally (history)
- it would send notes to a specified LAN user regardless of that user's online status (delayed delivery)
- it would allow near-IM communication (quick)
- it was a low-resource resident app residing in the System Tray (now the Notification Area ).
I'm in a situation where such - the discrete history, in particular - would be extremely convenient: much faster than email, but same history record could be maintained.
Anybody recall seeing it, perhaps recall a name?