This code is an FBSL one.
This will show you how to embedd a flash game into a GUI application
To compile this script into a real stand alone EXEcutable, i invite you to copy/paste this script there :
http://gedd123.free..../studio/fbsl2exe.php'// ----------------------------------------
'// ATL control
'// Purpose : running a Flash GAME
'// Author : Gerome GUILLEMIN
'// ----------------------------------------
Dim %oFlash, %hWnd
Sub Form_Load()
Apicall( "AtlAxWinInit", "ATL" )
Dim $WinName = "{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}"
hWnd = FBSL_Control("AtlAxWin", Me, WinName, 0, 0, 15, 620, 460, WS_Child + WS_Visible, WS_Ex_ClientEdge)
Apicall( "AtlAxGetControl", "ATL", hWnd, @oFlash )
PutValue( oFlash, ".Movie=%s", "http://www.80smusiclyrics.com/games/pacman/pacman.swf" )
End Sub
Sub RefreshAfxControl()
Dim %Lefti, %Topi, %Righti, %Bottomi
GetClientRect( Me, Lefti, Topi, Righti, Bottomi )
ReSize(hWnd, 0, 30, Righti - 15, Bottomi - 60)
End Sub
Sub Main()
Fbsl_SetText( Me, "PaC-man..." )
Resize(Me, 0, 0, 640, 480 )
Center(Me): Show(Me): Form_Load()
Begin Events
If CBMsg = WM_CLOSE Then
ReleaseObject( oFlash ): ExitProgram(0)
End If
If CBMSG = WM_SIZE Then RefreshAfxControl()
End Events
End Sub
Any comments ?