Hi Folks,
Heavy bookmark users know how important are user defined keywords. Powermarks and now Linkman have built their base on this feature, very nicely.
However sometimes you bookmark a page, assign keywords and then move on.
Three months later you go back and the page is gone.
You check archive.org, google cache, nothing.
Solution :
Automated download of bookmarked pages with associated cross-referencing. (Each page requested creates one folder, since it may have multiple files.) The creation of a new bookmark that points to the spot on disk.
Now the page is online, you can bring it up, you lose nothing for researching, and you even know the date when the page was there and the URL at the time.
Probably .. nobody yet has this download and bookmark-keyword integration refined. So I am trying to open up the idea to Linkman for consideration.
Firefox has a download page facility that .. if the API allows a piggy-back .. should be sufficient.
Save Page As - And then you choose from
Web Page, complete
Web Page, HTML only
Text Files
All Files
Although clearly more sophisticated possibilities might exist, through dedicated offline browsers, my quick test of the above was very successful.
Your thoughts ?
Steven Avery