I often get faxes via email and these are always upside down. Don't ask why. I've tried and failed to find an application that will load up the TIFF file (for that is what it is), rotate each page by 180 degrees and then save it to jpg or pdf. I want to upload the modified file to my project site where we keep all related messages and files in one place.
I'm literally tearing my hair out on this one. Most apps will allows to rotate and save ONE page but the rest are never changed.
I am learning C# so if no one can help I will learn how to make a nice simple app (and presumably make millions because I can't be the only person who wants to rotate multi-page documents).
I see the application as having
* a button to browse to the file.
* Then a rotate left, right and 180 degrees button.
* A preview of the image
* A button to specify the output location.
* OK and Cancel buttons.
Any takers?