If you switch to, even if just for the reviews, dynamic pages -- store the reviews in a database or just as text -- generating printable pages would be a breeze. An alternate way to do it would be to use another stylesheet. Keeping the content separate from the design makes for much easier site overhauls in the longrun, though.
That said, I don't have a good example at the moment but I do have a "don't do this" example
-- lockergnome.com. I've followed lockergnome since . . . well, long before he had html mail and have watched as, each year, the space for the articles gets smaller. On a low resolution, I have trouble figuring out where in the sidebars, links and ads the article is hidden.
Not that this was somethign I was worried about happening
Just sayin'
I, personally, am not fond of reviews being broken up -- usually because it's at the end of the article that I know I want to bookmark it for later. I don't always remember to go back to page 1. That's probably rather trivial, though. And a printer-friendly all-on-one-page version would solve it.