People ruin every revolution, this is a very old story. Develop a feeding niche and somebody will come along to abuse it. The more concentrated and centralised useful content discovery is in one service (i.e. Twitter) the worse the problem will become.
We can cry about humanity or we can keep digging because the good stuff doesn’t disappear, it just gets lost in noise. People who produce good stuff aren’t going to quit and suddenly get diverted into pure marketing, because producing good stuff is just too satisfying and pure marketing too… not.
So the good stuff will always be there, it just becomes harder to find and more and more dependent on our judgement in what to follow and what not.
That’s humanity. Our character judgement is so fine-tuned because we’re so good at fucking with each other and parasitising each other’s goals. I bet most people reading this can look at any Twitter page and tell with upwards of 95% accuracy whether the person is a bot, or a marketing droid, or somebody wasting time gabbing, or somebody with a genuine passion for something. It’s actually not hard and it takes an extraordinarily good liar to fool most of us.
This is your skill for navigating this space, use it.
Sorry to superboyac for copying his title from another thread. (Warning: above quote is a comment not the actual article)
How We Killed Social Media