However i still thing my requirement is needed as to assign dynamically
the words i got from cntr C to any hot key instead of going trough
script/compilation. Further more the time it takes to execute
a simple script is much much slower then pushing the word to clipboard
When I was using AHK for text expansion, I assigned a hotkey to reload the script, as per the AHK Help:
^!r::Reload ; Assign Ctrl-Alt-R as a hotkey to restart the script.
That was on the first line. I kept the script open in a text editor. When I updated a shorthand expansion, I pressed Ctrl-S in the editor to save the script, then Ctrl-Alt-R to reload it. Quick enough. If you use Typing Assistant (TA) it's even easier. Mark the text you want expanded in future, press Ctrl-C to send it to the clipboard, press a couple of TA hotkeys to bring up the right box and you'll find the body text already filled in, with just the short version to add. Or, you could try
Oscar's MiniCLIP which is a freeware clipboard enhancer with shorthand expansion built-in, but even the author says he probably never used it. I certainly haven't