Those are not very blog-like at all. I am not looking for something that can make individual groups of photos. I am looking for more of a massively multi-user photo blog CSM where all accepted submissions are posted to the same collection which is presented in a very blog-like way.
buzzfeed. Something similar to that.
All the image submissions will be around the same subject theme.
Wordpress would be perfect, if I were doing all the posts myself, or had a group of trusted people that was doing all the posting. But this will be open sign-up and submissions, and needs to have good moderation to prevent spam, and it needs to be fast & easy to process the moderation queue. I also wanted it to be a community of sorts, so members will feel like it belongs to them and they are not just submitting stuff to something that belongs to me.
What I don't want is something like Flickr, or some place where members have their own galleries. This would lead to them only feeling what is on their profile belongs to them.
I don't want a "I built this part of the site and it's mine" thing going on. I want a "we built this site and it's ours".