I took a look at it. I respect their design philosophy (create a simple database app for home users), and I think they succeed on that count. I am looking for something along those lines, myself, but the two things which were deal breakers for me: you can't compile each Display (database) into a stand-alone which runs without starting the Database Oasis front-end itself, and the field (as well as query) options were too limited for my purposes. -gpetrant
I agree that it is a decent effort by the developer, and I wasn’t really trying to trash the app - just express that I was somewhat disappointed. The inability to compile each display doesn’t really bother me that much.
There seems to be a veritable dearth of database apps which achieve the happy medium I'm looking for: inexpensive, easy to use, yet sophisticated enough to do everything a home/small business user could want.
Sounds like we are looking for very similar programs.
Database Oasis is well on its way toward that goal, imo, and I hope they continue development.
I am also hopeful; after all I have it now so if it improves that will certainly make me happy!
What did you like, and what didn't you like, about Database Oasis, J-Mac?
First, the UI doesn’t seem to work to well on my computer here. The text is overly large and therefore a lot of it is cut off at the end of each line. Also, in most cases the bottom ~10% of all text is cut off. See the screen caps below.
I haven't yet spent much time with the program but the time I did spend wasn’t very good - of course I have only been through the Quick Start documentation; I will also read the user manual - or at least the parts pertinent to what I want to do; the manual is a 298 page PDF document! I will say that the documentation isn't that bad. A CHM Help file plus the Quick Start and Full User manual (both PDF) can be opened from the Help menu. A lot of apps I have picked up lately have no Help docs at all and the Help menu opens your browser to their web page; not so with DB Oasis to their credit.
Anyway I opened a few different Displays and entered some sample data just to get the feel of it. However the next time I open those same displays I cannot find the data I entered. Supposedly when you open a Display with data in it the first entry you made is showing in the display screen; mine is always empty. I tried using Data>Find but it finds no entries. Likewise the Data>Setup List View creates whatever list I configure but there is no data to show. Yet each Display where I entered sample data shows in the Display's Title bar, e.g., Medical Records Display shows "Medical Records: 1 of 1) on its title bar but there is no data showing and none to be found. The only thing I can guess is that I did not enter data for every single field in the display, but I would hope that doesn’t prevent any data at all from showing.
Anyway I guess that the combination of the broken text display and the inability to show the data I entered got me a bit disinterested in it. I did spend a few hours with it trying to resolve the issues I am seeing, but after a few hours I grow weary of troubleshooting a brand-spanking new program! I kinda like 'em to work OK out of the box and then at least let ME break them!!