I recently got a couple of USB 3.0 docking stations. They work well but they have an idle time-out to spin the drives down that's not adjustable afaict.
I wrote a small AutoIt3 program to sit in the tray to keep the drives alive. It's useful in situations when you know there may be a lag before some program you are using outputs to the drive and you want to avoid the drive spinning down, only to spin back up again a minute or so later.
The way it works is simple. Through the shortcut Target line or via the command line, you specify drive letters, with colon, for the drives to keep alive(e.g. DriveAlive x: y: z: etc..) It does this by creating an empty file named drive_alive_dummy.txt in the root of each drive, and overwriting it every 5 minutes.
The Tray Icon Tooltip shows the drives currently being kept alive.
Select Exit from the Tray Icon Menu to kill the program.
Running DriveAlive with no params shows a usage dialog.
Note that DriveAlive does not support UNC pathnames.
To use it with a mapped network drive, make sure you
have file creation/modification privileges on the share.
The dummy file on each drive is deleted on program exit.
DriveAlive does not create any Registry settings or .ini files.
The latest version is currently available for download: