Its always amusing to reread your own posts the day after, and think, I could/should of been a little clearer.
Because I am familiar with ToDoList, I just assume everyone is.
ToDoList greatest strength is in its preferences.
To configure as a research-snippet-note taker.
Open Tools > Preferences > User Interface >
'Only show editing controls for visible coumns' checked
Open Tools > Preferences > User Interface > Tasklist.
In column visibility, only turn on 'Priority' 'Creation Date' 'Category' 'File Reference' (turn off every thing else)
'Titles' and 'Comments' are always on.
You now have a very clean interface that allows you to
-Search Titles and Comments
-Sort by Title, creation Date, Priority(rating), Category
-Filter by Priority or Category
-Attach a File link to HTML-PDF-DOC etc (for reference)
-Tree order
The preferences and customisation is huge, but allows maximum flexibility.
Showing different fields is just a start.
PS. I have written a AHK scipt that allows me to Cut and Paste to a choosen Todolist via the command line.
When browsing. shortcut 'Win-C' creates a new 'title' with all all Highlighted Text-URL-Time date- added to ToDoList Comments. very quick.