If someone is interested i can show how to do such things with
XYplorer scripting,
then you have this always with your file manager:
//Test with test files in an test folder on an second pc in an virtual machine first
"Sort files into folder according base name"
global $criteria, $curitem;
$action = input("Action: Copy or Move files?", "Choose from ""copyto"" and ""moveto""", "copyto");
sel 1;
$curitem = "<curitem>";
//check if $curitem is an file:
if (exists($curitem)==1) {
$criteria = "<curbase>";
//check if the folder already exist:
if (exists("<curpath>\$criteria")==2){
//msg "This is an file and $criteria-dir already exists.";
sub "_$action";
//msg "This is an file and and we have to create $criteria-dir.";
new $criteria, dir;
sub "_$action";
sel 1;
//msg "This is an dir, we will skip this item";
sel +1;
end (<curitem>==""), "Last item reached. Script ends.";
global $criteria, $curitem;
moveto "<curpath>\$criteria", $curitem;
global $criteria, $curitem;
backupto "<curpath>\$criteria", $curitem, 3;
IDEA: sort each file into separate folder