it is possible to have dynamic search folders by using the following trick :
you set a user variable dynamically (for instance using autohotkey : Run, C:\Program Files\FindAndRunRobot\FindAndRunRobot.exe -launch "setuservar Pixos.projet_www=SomeProject")
projet_www = C:\_web\www\SomeProject
Then you use the %uservar.Pixos.projet_www% variable as a search directory like virtual folder name (%PROGRAMFILES%, ...)
Works fine, BUT the variables are randomly refreshed, most of the time they are not.
in the options, the user variables reflects the change everytime, but most of the time FARR searches with the "previously set" folder
is this a bug ? or do you have to create a new command line command : go[searchfolders]reload ?
Cheers, Nitrix