Hi Mouser & Chr15:
Thank you VERY much for the quick response & sensitivity to others problems.
> =========== Mouser Wrote: ===========
> it seems this touched a raw nerve with you
- just don't get mad at chr, im sure he didnt realize that there
> would be issues for visually impaired..
Not a raw nerve per se, but I will say a sensitive 1. I wasn't mad, just frustrated. I wanted to use this excellent program & couldn't. There are so many really excellent programs out there that a person who can't see well (or at all) can't use due to an oversight by the designer. When a person doesn't have a particular problem, it is very easy to just not see the trees for the forest (not forest for the trees).
> so here's a question for you, in spc, it uses 2 alternative colorings to indicate that an entry is either invalid
> (red) or changed (gree), are those also unreadable, and if so, what would you recommend from a visually
> imparied standpoint, regarding colors..
For my eyes, the higher the contrast between font color & background color the better. The way I have set up the program for me is:
Normal: Font = clWhite
Background = clBlack
Updated: Font = clYellow
Background = clNavy
Invalid: Font = clWhite
Background = clMaroon
This may not (& doesn't for my son who has similar vision problems) work for someone else, but is extremely effective for me.
But my post wasn't about me. It was about the fact that the coloring couldn't be changed to take into account these type of problems.
Stepping down from soapbox...
Thanks again for not only the quick changes chr15, but a really nicely done program as well.