I agree with Carol and Josh. But I do want to mention that I am not a big fan of Amazon's search system. The best search function I've seen yet is Newegg's "Power Search". I almost always know either exactly what kind of thing I want (but obviously not the specific name or I'd just search that), or I at least have a strong idea of the specific criteria. The Power Search at Newegg allows me to be as specific or as general as I like, across every given variable for most products (e.g. search by memory size, type, speed, etc. within the laptop category, excluding specific manufacturers, and all between $400 and $1000). Amazon (and most other retailers) have more simplistic "drill down" searches that are essentially hierarchical categories where you can opt to filter starting with one top-level criteria, then filter on successive criteria further down. The problem comes when you want results for say Acer *and* Dell *and* Toshiba laptops (but not Gateway, Compaq, etc.), *and* you want it to be under $500, *and* you want it to have Windows 7, etc. Most search sites, Amazon included, along with Tiger Direct (my favorite electronics retailer), simply can't handle those kinds of complex searches. Newegg has it nailed. So that's my one major complaint about Amazon. Consequently I do often use other sites like Newegg (in the case of electronics anyway) to find what I want, then use Amazon to buy.
- Oshyan