I ran in to this issue myself, and have found the following to work marvelously:
Following similar steps as made in earlier post.
Right Click on Circle Doc go to:
Add >File Folder and Special Items
This will again bring up a fresh Item Settings
Name Field:You may enter any Name you wish....I will name name my new link "My Computer"
Target Field:Type or Copy and Paste the following in to the Target field
Arguments Field:This is where the magic happens.
Type or Copy and Paste the following into the Arguments field
Then click "Finish"
When you click this Icon you will get the "Drives Window" Instead of an other directory
You are welcome to change the icon into any other graphic that suites your needs
I believe that this will have the results you desire
I Thank you for sharing these sites with us, and I will be spending a few hours touring them to be sure.
Let us know if you require anything else
The Sarge