Having recently needed to OCR and re-format 100 pages of not-so-well scanned PDFs, I'm now tempted to ditch OOo and go out and purchase a copy of MSO. Granted, the biggest frustrations come from FineReader not outputting to any OOo-friendly formats, and OOs retarded input filters screwing everything up majorly, but after having spent 4 hours with Word 2007... well, I now actually like the ribbon. Initially it took a while to find everything, but it ended up being quite a productivity booster. And while I still think XML-based formats as default are retarded, and would want the more-open ODF format to win over ms's xml format, and ms's xml format not being nearly as fast as it's good old binary .doc... well, saves are still faster than what OOo can do.
If anybody can recommend a cheaper word processor with fast workflow and solid stylesheet support which can import relatively complex .doc files, lemme know.