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Author Topic: Command line options?  (Read 18177 times)


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Command line options?
« on: February 18, 2010, 11:35 PM »
This program would be far more useful if it could be integrated into the Windows Explorer context menu. While I think I could possibly figure out how to do this, the exercise is moot if the program does not accept a 'search this directory' command line parameter. So, simple question: Does it?


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Re: Command line options?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 05:31 AM »
Hi groston,

Currently the functionality you want is not readily available. Argus includes a command line version in the download (argusc.exe), which accepts the path to search in, so maybe you can work with that. I am however currently creating a second version of the program's core engine, which I had planned to release as part of the NANY 2010, but I unfortunately ran out of time.

This second version will not be a end-user application, but rather a DLL for application developers to use in their own implementations. It will of course be absolutely free to use, so if you're interested I can notify you when it's finished for testing. I will release it through when it's done, so you can also check this forum for updates.


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Re: Command line options?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2013, 10:33 PM »
I have not seen he program yet but I do have a need for something that would not care what directory it was in during the search.  This is a searchable archive I am trying to create with a size of close to 1 TB covering documents of over 8 years.  the finer tuned the search, the better.  Boolean logic would be great.  I was thinking about Agent Ransack but have not run it yet.
Another program call Everything by Voidtools does a pretty good just.  but i need to find something that has maybe 5 or 6 fields and give the user the choice of how to combine or narrow the search. 
Data in all 5 boxes could be searches individually on the slim chance the document might pop out . but the key would be when the individual search was over to index all documents that contained all 5 fields.  These could be anything names, dates, places, jobs, cities, 
If they are looking for a document from some doctor that they saw in 1995 but they dint know what was said, if they just put in  doctor, 1995, that might bet a lot but if they added the type of doctor to the search it would narrow the field a lot.

The next prob em is hey want me to include email.  There are Tons of email.  I have see a few programs that convert outlook emails to pdf files

Sorry to butt it, i just saw that you were also looking for a search utility