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Last post Author Topic: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.42.01 - Jun 27, 2022  (Read 216690 times)


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MiniCap is a minimal screenshot capture app, with good commandline support, including the ability to launch (and then terminate) apps, capture windows by handle or object name. 

Latest download from MiniCap web page: https://www.donation...r/MiniCap/index.html


v1.42.01 - June 27, 2022
  • [Feature] Added -capturehwndat commandline parameter
  • [Improvement] Noticed significant slow capture on some window captures, due to minicap trying to use PrintWin capture mode and failing; this mode is no longer attempted by default (see -trypwcapmode to reenable)
  • [Feature] Added -trypwcapmode tells minicap to try using the PrintWindow capture mode which was used in some older version of windows for minicap older than v1.42
  • [Bugfix] Sometimes printing without printer preview would fail with generic printer driver error, due to no printer document title being set.

v1.40.01 - June 24, 2018
  • [Feature] Added -capturemon # commandline parameter to capture the screen of a specified monitor

v1.39.01 - Apr 2, 2018
  • [Improvement] Removed a flash of the main interactive window when it was unnecessary in processing commandline.
  • [Feature] Added -noerr commandline parameter to suppress any error messages on failure to save file; commandline -exit parameter will be processes as if file was saved.
  • [BugFix] The -stderr commandline parameter will be obeyed even on failure to write image file to disk.

v1.38.01 - Dec 30, 2017
  • [Bugfix] Fixed a long standing error that could cause a program fault on exit.
  • [Improvement] MiniCap now uses a configdir file to determine if it runs portably or not, and saves settings in appropriate directory (local or in MyDocments) as appropriate.

v1.36.01 - Sep 15, 2016
  • [Feature] Added -printmargin commandline parameter to change printing margins.

v1.35.01 - July 30, 2016
  • [Feature] Added -stderr commandline parameter to send any errors to stderr console stream instead of showing in gui message boxes.
  • [Feature] Added -cursor commandline parameter to capture image of mouse cursor when capturing.
  • [BugFix] Fixed bug where -capsound arguement was ignored if -exit parameter was passed.
  • [MinorImprovement] Simplified help topics.

v1.33.01 - Nov 28, 2015
  • [MinorFeature] Added -escapequit option. If user hits escape while doing a region or window capture, the program will exit (rather than return to minicap interface); should be used in conjunction with -save and -exit to prevent minicap interface from ever showing.

v1.32.01 - Mar 22, 2014
  • [BugFix] Fixed rare screen zoom bug.

v1.31.01 - Aug 17, 2014
  • [BugFix] Region capture sizes were off by one.
  • [MinorFeature] Main window now shows on taskbar (when main window is shown).
  • [MinorFeature] Image dimensions are now shown on main window.
  • [MinorFeature] Selection is cleared after new captures.
  • [BugFix] Image starts out blank if MiniCap launched with no commandline parameters.
  • [Feature] Updated with new scrolling capture code from big brother tool Screenshot Captor.
  • [MinorFeature] Previous foreground window is restored after exit.
  • [Feature] New commandline option to embed (exif) comment in file (gif, png, jpg, pdf, tiff, but not .bmp format).
  • [Feature] New commandline option to not focus a target window when doing a window capture.

v1.28.01 - Nov 29, 2013
  • [MinorFeature] Added -capsound commandline option to play sound after capture.
  • [Major Feature] Updated with latest Screenshot Captor scrolling window capture code.
  • [Feature] Now offering both installer and portable zip downloads; executables and installer are now signed.

v1.25.01 - Nov 13, 2011
  • [MinorFeature] Added -dpi option to set DPI of saved image.

v1.24.01 - Aug 28, 2011
  • [MinorFeature] Updated with current Screenshot Captor semi-transparent window Aero capture abilities
  • [MinorFeature] Better reporting of failure-to-save-file errors.

v1.23.01 - Oct 21, 2010
  • [MinorFeature] The file extension (.exe) is removed from the captured application filename ($fullfilename$)
  • [MinorFeature] You can now use $uniquenum0$ instead of $uniquenum$ if you want to force a counter name always even if not needed to avoid conflict with existing file.

v1.21.01 - 6/7/10
  • [BugFix] The -exit commandline option was not being obeyed if user used -print but didn't save.

v1.20.01 - 5/4/10
  • [Feature] Updated with latest Screenshot Captor capture code.
  • MajorFeature] Completely re-rewritten new method for capturing Aero Glass themed Semi-transparent windows on Vista and Windows 7.  Based on an approach described by Ian Griffiths (http://www.interact-...7/01/30/recoveralpha), with several tweaks for automatic border detection and improved color handling.  A new options tab ("Windows Capturing") was added to control the various options for it.  Note that by default SC will preserve the entire transparency recovered from the window; this will allow you to composite the screenshot in graphics editing software with it's original semi-transparent regions and effects.  By default SC will attempt to remove the shadow effect imparted by Aero, but you can change this via commandline options.
  • [BugFix] Was refusing to capture certain windows like Google Chrome; errors in capturing are now reported better.

v1.18.01 - 12/25/2009
  • Added commandline options for grayscale and black+white conversion.

v1.17.01 - 12/25/2009
  • Added commandline options for printing.
  • Added print button.
  • Hitting Escape key in main form will now exit.

v1.16.01 - 3/12/2009
  • Added commandline options for resizing

v1.15.01 - 12/08/2008
  • Added commandline option -postrun "commandline" to run a post processing program on the captured image (use $file$ to replace saved image filename in commandline)


v1.14.01 - 10/05/2008
  • Improved capture of non-standard (skinned) windows, for example bblean.
  • Added hotkey Ctrl+U to unselect region.

v1.13.01 - 08/15/2008
  • Added commandline option -captureactivewin which will capture whatever window was last active before triggering minicap.
  • Added grabbing of last active window application name for filename replacement with $appname$
  • Extension is removed from $appname$
  • You can now combine -promptsave with -save to have minicap prompt you to change the filename initialized to that specified with -save

v1.12.01 - 07/30/2008
  • Added commandline option -promptsave to ask user for filename and do a save after capture.
  • Modified behavior so that the -exit commanline parameter will cause an exit after a manual save.

v1.11.01 - 07/24/2008
  • Added new more flexible way to specify custom date text wherever you want in your commandline

v1.10.01 - 07/23/2008
  • Added new capture modes (screen, redbox object, redbox region, traditional region)
  • Remembers last save directory better.
  • Added options to copy images (or saved file path) to clipboard.
  • Added border/shadow option.

v1.08.02 - 07/05/06
  • Fixed lingering issue with ghosted gridlines showing when scrolling capture from IE.


If run on the commandline without any arguments, MiniCap starts up in interactive capture mode (identical to redbox capture mode in screenshot captor); select the object to capture, hit control click, and it will appear in preview.  Hit Save As to save the file.

But the most common way to use the program is with commandline arguments for non interactive capture:

Tells MiniCap to automatically save the captured image using the specified filename, including path, and extension which should include the image format extension of your choice (.jpg, .gif, .pdf, .png, .bmp, .tiff).

You can use certain fields which will be replaced:
$appdir$ - application directory (useful if you want to save snapshot in same directory)
$appname$ - application exe name (without path)
$nicename$ - nice name of application exe (taken from exe resource)
$windowtitle$ - window caption
$uniquenum$ - adds unique number to filename to avoid overwriting existing files (number only added when needed to avoid existing file)
$uniquenum0$ - adds unique number to filename to avoid overwriting existing files (number ALWAYS added)
$datetime$ , $date$ , $time$ - local date/time
$dt:%DATEFORMATSTRING$ - where DATEFORMATSTRING is made up from the following:

  %a   Abbreviated weekday name
  %A   Full weekday name
  %b   Abbreviated month name
  %B   Full month name
  %c   Date and time representation appropriate for locale
  %d   Day of month as decimal number (01 – 31)
  %H   Hour in 24-hour format (00 – 23)
  %I   Hour in 12-hour format (01 – 12)
  %j   Day of year as decimal number (001 – 366)
  %m   Month as decimal number (01 – 12)
  %M   Minute as decimal number (00 – 59)
  %p   Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
  %S   Second as decimal number (00 – 59)
  %U   Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 – 53)
  %w   Weekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0)
  %W   Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 – 53)
  %x   Date representation for current locale
  %X   Time representation for current locale
  %y   Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)
  %Y   Year with century, as decimal number
  %z   Time-zone name
  %Z   Time-zone abbreviation

Tells the app that is run to close after screenshot is taken
If you don't specify -closeapp or -killapp then the app will be left running after the app is launched

Closes app harshly if it won't close by normal request

-sleep #
Sleep # seconds before engaging capture

Capture current screen

Capture entire desktop workspace (all multimonitors if more than one exists)

Automatically capture the application specified by a -run argument

-capturehwnd #
Automatically capture the window with the specified handle number (specified in decimal)

-capturepid #
Automatically capture the main window of the application with the specified process id  (specified in decimal)

-captureregion left top right bottom
Capture screeen region specified

Interactive capture of region (traditional style mode -- locked to current screen of multimonitor)

Interactive capture of region (red box mode)

Interactive capture of object (red box mode)

-captureappbyname "filename.exe"
Find the window of the running exe specified and capture it (specify filename with extension but no path)

Capture last active window

Exit minicap after the screenshot is saved
If you don't specify this then MiniCap will remain open after the capture.

Use scrolling window capture more

Set window to be captured to foreground before capturing

Captures client area of the window, useful when capturing windows which have no borders/titlebar

-run "APPNAME" [args+]
Runs a specific application specified before capturing.
All arguments after appname are passed on the commandline to the app, so -run needs to be the last argument you specify

-runcap "APPNAME" [args+]
Same as calling with -run and automatically adds the following arguments for easy use:
"-closeapp -exit -sleep 3 -captureapp"
Like -run, this needs to be the LAST arguments you specify

runs a program after the image is saved (use $file$ to replace saved image filename in commandline)

-compress #
Set compression quality from 1 to 10 (10 is highest quality and biggest image); default to 8

Copy the image to clipboard after capture

Copy the saved image filename (full path) to clipboard after capture

Add a nice border and shadow to image

Asks user for filename to save immediately after a capture.
If combined with a filename specified using -save "FILENAME" then you will be prompted to save as with the filename pre-filled out.

-resizexp PERCENTAGE
resize x dimension to PERCENTAGE% of its original value (y will be scaled to preserve ratio if no y resize value specified)

-resizeyp PERCENTAGE
resize y dimension to PERCENTAGE% of its original value (x will be scaled to preserve ratio if no x resize value specified)

-resizex WIDTH
resize x dimension to exactly WIDTH pixels (y will be scaled to preserve ratio if no y resize value specified)

-resizey HEIGHT
resize y dimension to exactly HEIGHT pixels (y will be scaled to preserve ratio if no y resize value specified)

print the captured image

show a print preview before printing and allow adjustment of margins, etc.

-setprinter PRINTERNAME
sets a specific printer for printing (to get a list invoke -setprinter list); you can use the full name or a substring

bwo = Black+White (ordered)
bwf = Black+White (floydSteinberg method)
bwt = Black+White (local threshold)
bwt1 = Black+White (global threshold of 128)
bwt2 = Black+White (global threshold of avg pixel)
btw3 = Black+White (global threshold set by entropy)
gray = Grayscale

disables the new aero capture mode even on vista/win7 machines

-aeroborder THRESHOLD
THRESHOLD should be an integer from 0 to 255
if set to 0 then no automatic shadow removal/border trimming will take place, and a larger image with the aero shadow will be captured.
a higher value, like 200, will attempt to clean up the borders and result in small image dimensions by removing bordering pixels with alpha values smaller than that specified.

COLORCOMPONENTVALUE should be an integer from 0 to 255
if you specify 0 you will get a black background when flattening (see below), if 255 then a white background when flattening

flattens the area inside the border so that the image has only 2 levels of transparency -- purely transparent outside the border (see option above), and purely opaque inside the border region.  the -aerocolor parameter specifies the background color to merge transparency with when flattening.

-dpi VALUE
sets the DPI value in the image properties of the saved image (useful when importing images into MS word, printing, etc.

play a capture sound after every capture.

do not switch to target window when capturing specific windows.

-comment "comment string here"
embed (exif) comment in saved file (works on png, jpg, tiff, gif, but not .bmp)

MiniCap.exe -save "C:\screen_$appname$$uniquenum$_$date$.jpg" -closeapp -exit -sleep 4 -capturerunapp -run "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\FlashPlayer.exe" "C:\MyMovie.swf"

MiniCap.exe -capturerunapp -exit -save "D:\desktop.png" -sleep 5 -closeapp -exit -run "C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe" "C:\WINDOWS\test.txt"

-save "E:\test.jpg" -runcap "C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe" "C:\WINDOWS\test.txt"

look forward to hearing your feedback!
« Last Edit: June 27, 2022, 10:47 PM by mouser »


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.02.04 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2006, 07:48 PM »
mouser this is awesome!! i've already got it working using nnCron + some easy commandline args:

MiniCap.exe -save "C:\Screencaps\$date$_$time$.png" -captureregion 0 0 1279 1023 -exit

can I make one small suggestion?   ;)
1) can the $date$ and $time$ substitutions expand to zero-padded values?  That way when I have a folder full of these, they will sort correctly

this is just great and I am quite sure this is going to help me a great deal......  :D


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.02.04 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2006, 07:52 PM »
yes, actually i can add a custom datetime format system i think that should let you do all you want with customizing date+time; ill up it tonight.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.02.04 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2006, 07:56 PM »
that is great news  8)


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.02.04 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2006, 08:11 PM »
(only possible to do this quickly because it's already in screenshot captor code)

Tells MiniCap to automatically save the captured image using the specified filename, including path, and extension which should include the image format extension of your choice (.jpg, .gif, .pdf, .png, .bmp, .tiff).
You can use certain fields which will be replaced:
$appdir$ - application directory (useful if you want to save snapshot in same directory)
$appname$ - application exe name (without path)
$nicename$ - nice name of application exe (taken from exe resource)
$windowtitle$ - window caption
$uniquenum$ - adds unique number to filename to avoid overwriting existing files
$datetime$ , $date$ , $time$ - local date/time
$customdate$ - show date using custom date format (see below) [NEW]

and here is how you specify custom date format [NEW]

-customdate "customdatestring"
customdatestring can be made up of text including the following:
  $a   Abbreviated weekday name
  $A   Full weekday name
  $b   Abbreviated month name
  $B   Full month name
  $c   Date and time representation appropriate for locale
  $d   Day of month as decimal number (01 – 31)
  $H   Hour in 24-hour format (00 – 23)
  $I   Hour in 12-hour format (01 – 12)
  $j   Day of year as decimal number (001 – 366)
  $m   Month as decimal number (01 – 12)
  $M   Minute as decimal number (00 – 59)
  $p   Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
  $S   Second as decimal number (00 – 59)
  $U   Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 – 53)
  $w   Weekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0)
  $W   Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 – 53)
  $x   Date representation for current locale
  $X   Time representation for current locale
  $y   Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)
  $Y   Year with century, as decimal number
  $z,$Z   Time-zone name or abbreviation

in case it's not clear, you would use customdate this like:
-save "MyFile_$customdate$.png" -customdate "$H$M $m$y"

« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 08:15 PM by mouser »


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2006, 08:50 PM »
mouser you are a genius!
thank you so much, this is really perfect!!
 ;D :) ;) 8) :D :) 8) :tellme: :-*


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2006, 08:54 PM »
glad to hear it has a use :)


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2006, 10:59 PM »
this is just making me so happy  :)
it's alive!
LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.42.01 - Jun 27, 2022


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2006, 11:01 PM »
I found one "bug" .. not really a bug just a "missing feature".  ;D
If you specify an invalid target folder for the screenshot (i.e a folder which does not exist) then MiniCap crashes, instead of exiting gracefully with a non-zero exitcode.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2006, 11:12 PM »
i can fix that; actually i was wondering if maybe what would be wanted was for it to CREATE the target folder?


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2006, 11:16 PM »
Well, I have already worked around this using nnCron:

#( auto_screen_capture
Time: */10 * * * * *
Rule: PROC-EXIST: "*.scr" 0=
FILE-EXIST: "C:\Screencaps\%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%\NUL" 0=
DIR-CREATE: "C:\Screencaps\%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%"
StartIn: "C:\Program Files\MiniCap"
START-APP: minicap.exe -save "C:\Screencaps\%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%\$customdate$.png" -customdate "$Y-$m-$d__$H$M" -captureregion 0 0 1279 1023 -exit
But I'm not sure...... :-\ if it is going to add a lot of overhead to MiniCap, then I would say leave it out and just don't crash.  If it won't slow it down much, then I guess it would be nice to add this feature.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2006, 11:49 PM »
cool, i was going to ask you if you wouldn't mind posting your cron thing for others to see how you did it, but you beat me to it :)


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2006, 12:00 AM »
also, for those who don't know, nnCron (which I have written that code snippet for above) is a very excellent and powerful program which can automate just about any task you can imagine.  If you know the Forth programming language, you can develop your own plugins for it to further enhance its amazing feature set.  The program has very low resource usage and is extremely stable.  Some examples of things I am using it for:
  • automatic log-rolling of my process logs each month
  • send commands over serial port to control lighting in my lizard tank according to sunrise/sunset times each day
  • monitor Event Logs and display balloon popups for my user-defined list of specific events
  • sync time with NTP time servers
  • download latest episode of an internet radio show that I enjoy every day
  • monitor a custom list of folders with individual quotas for each and display alerts if any of them go over quota (temp folders, etc)
and now, thanks to mouser and MiniCap
  • take screenshot of my desktop each 10 minutes to keep a history of work done

I dont work for nnCron I just think its a great app and deserves some mention.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2006, 05:40 AM »
Hi Mouser - really great - this is exactly what I was looking for  -  Thank you very very much :-* :Thmbsup:


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2006, 05:50 AM »
i've said it before but i'll say it again, it really makes a huge difference in terms of enjoying programming when you can get positive feedback and thanks from users.

this might be a good time to check your toolkits, and if you find a freeware program you're using that you really like, why not email the author and say thanks.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2006, 01:36 PM »
Great tool! Will be using this command line option  :Thmbsup:


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2006, 02:08 AM »
hey mouser just wanted to thank you again for this excellent tool.  I have been using it for a couple of weeks now and it has been solid.  CPU usage is not bad at all and even though  I have a cron job that runs minicap every 10 minutes and saves a 1280x1024 PNG file, I do not notice any slowdown at all, and cpu usage spike is only to around 15-20% for <1 second.  I attribute this to your excellent programming skills (as well as my overclocked Opteron dual core cpu :D) but either way the solution works exactly as I had hoped and has instantly become one of my "can't live without" utilities.  I will be making another donation to you shortly..... as soon as I put some additional funds together.  But I wanted to express my gratitude again.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.03.01 - January 24, 2006
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2006, 03:09 AM »
i really am glad to hear that it's useful :)


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.04.01 - February 21, 2006
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2006, 11:50 PM »
updated to version 1.04.01 -
miniflash.exe is now included with a little demo of how to use it.

Q: What is Miniflash?
A: Miniflash is a tiny flash movie (swf) player whose only purpose is to play a movie in a borderless or thinborder window, which can be invoked on the commandline and passed flash variable parameters, which is normally not possible in the flash player.  it can be useful for capturing screenshots of flash movies with certain parameters, in a non-interactive fashion in conjunction with MiniCap. (99.9999999999999999999% of people have no need for miniflash).
« Last Edit: February 20, 2006, 11:55 PM by mouser »


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.04.01 - February 21, 2006
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2006, 12:15 PM »
MiniCap v1.05.01

This site drove MiniCap, batty:

Note, I did not install, but simply extracted the files into a directory & executed MiniCap.exe.

I attemped an Autoscroll Capture.

Program seemed to loop - endlessly.

Very quickly, VM had reached 232MB, while Mem Usage when I checked was about 80MB & growing.  186MB & growing.  Then Windows Task Manager showed it "dropped" to 672K, but then immediately jumped way back up again closing in on 200MB.

Killed the task.

Also note, it was very difficult to access Task Manager as the capture was basically overwriting (if you will) the TM window.  Maximising the TM helped.  Also during this time, MiniCap did not show as an Application, but only as a Process.



Just tried to duplicate it, but couldn't - exactly.

I tried an Autoscroll Capture on a different window (in Mozilla) & that also did not work properly.  I noticed in TM that two instances of MiniCap were showing as processes.  One was using ~3700K, the other was using about 30MB.

Killed them both, then attempted the captures again on craiglist, & that time it worked correctly.

Earlier, I had used v1.03.01, but I had exited it before putting in v1.05.01.  Perhaps 1.03.01 had a part left in memory (?) that led to a conflicted?


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.04.01 - February 21, 2006
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2006, 12:27 PM »
i need to add some stuff to the scrolling windows capture code to make it easier to abort, and easier to detect failures in scrolling.
it does sound like if there were two instances that one was left running.

two things can confuse screenshot captor and minicap with scrolling window capture:
1) animated gifs can sometimes confuse it
2) if you are in an edit box when you trigger the scrolling windows capture


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.04.01 - February 21, 2006
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2006, 03:11 PM »
MiniCap is great.  I have one suggestion for improvement.  An option to capture the currently focused window.  (If none are focused, capture the desktop).  Gadwin Printscreen has this feature:  I love the configurability of MiniCap and it's the only feature I find missing. 


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.04.01 - February 21, 2006
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2006, 03:20 PM »
great idea and easy to add; i will add in next version.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.08.01 - July 02, 2006
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2006, 10:02 AM »
version 1.08.01 updated with lastes code from screenshot captor, including new improve scrolling window capture.


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Re: LATEST MiniCap VERSION INFO THREAD - v1.08.02 - July 05, 2006
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2006, 11:45 AM »
Just a few comments:

May want to update the MiniCap webpage to indicate that it does scrolling window capture.  That is not apparent from the webpage.


Version History and ToDo List, could stand an update.

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