No JavaJones you are not.
I thought it was pretty and that's about the only redeeming aspect I can pull out.
The story has been done before and was very unoriginal (after seeing the first trailer once, I predicted what the plot would be and much to the frustration of several folks in my office, I was dead on). The characters were two dimensional and uninspired - I had no sympathy for any of them. And as far as I was concerned the 3D was distracting at best. It did nothing for the story, and the few times when it became noticeable (flies, bugs and the backs of peoples heads looming in my face from no where) it was largely distracting and pointless. They could at least have had a character turn toward the audience and menace them with a spear, not distract them with the back of a head.
But so long has Hollywood been in a rut, offering no new ideas and relying on remaking perfectly good movies and ruining them, I hardly expected otherwise.
If I recall correctly when this project was first announced years ago, Cameron was to have made it completely digitally. My recollection is of a small panic on the part of actors with the fear that there would be no room left for live actors.
I have to say, although not human bodies, I think Cameron's people have done an excellent job of the body animation. No more funny walking, no more stiff necks, no more flapping mouth parts and partial dentures. Otherwise, the movie was a waste and I have been recommending people avoid the 3D hocus pocus. It took me 2-3 hours before the raging headache started to abate after I got out of the theatre.
YMMV of course