I'm not sure if text is getting cut off on submission, or when it is displayed in the Log. Here's the "URL" I'm using:
http://www.google.com/search?q=$RANDFILE$ "$RANDFILE$ $PRANDFILE$ $PRANDFILE$" $PRANDFILE$ $PRANDFILE$&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wg
And here's an excerpt from my Log:
5/21/2005 , 9:21:51 PM -> http://www.google.com/search?q=interliners "tintinnabula immaterial settee" epeirogeny&safe=off&sa=N&tab=w
Submission completed.
5/21/2005 , 9:21:54 PM -> http://www.google.com/search?q=phototherapies "psyches scrumping" somas&safe=off&sa=N&ta
Submission completed.
5/21/2005 , 9:21:58 PM -> http://www.google.com/search?q=indexer "mayan organologic"&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wg
Submission completed.
5/21/2005 , 9:22:00 PM -> http://www.google.com/search?q=booted "grumpishness"&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wg
Submission completed.
5/21/2005 , 9:22:02 PM -> http://www.google.com/search?q=radially "englutted" sainted&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wg
Submission completed.
5/21/2005 , 9:22:12 PM -> http://www.google.com/search?q=coupon "taeniae vitellogenesis clamourous" hr assailants&safe=off&sa=N&tab
Submission completed.
Looking at the end of each line in the log output, it seems that sometimes, the last parameter gets truncated, and other times, it doesn't, though it doesn't seem to be caused by URL length.