TaskBarTransparent Version 2.1 (7 Nov 2004) Andreas Grögelhttp://www.ag1.de/utils/index.htmlTaskBarTransparent sets alpha blending (transparency) and/or colorkey for the taskbar and optionally transparency for the Start menu for Windows 2000/XP. Especially useful if you create your own visual style for Windows XP and want a "cut-out" taskbar (which the (current) XP style engine does not support). I have not yet come across another program that can do that...TaskBarTransparent.exe does not stay resident (thus not occupying any resources) - it just sets the window styles for the taskbar and Start menu and then exits. And no files or data are stored elsewhere.Download taskbartransparent21.zip (27KB), includes readme and executable file.http://www.ag1.de/ut...bartransparent21.zip