Skwire, It happened again, and this time, I did some testing and narrowed it down to the point where I can successively reproduce the failure.
The GUI is fine as long as it is running, but if there are too many characters in clip.txt when ClipTrap starts up, the GUI fails to load completely - the application starts, and it still captures, but GUI doesn't function right. (I have some screenshots I can email to you if you like).
So, to reproduce the GUI failure, close ClipTrap, create an empty clip.txt file, and paste "some string in this here line" (without the quotes) till you have 14922 lines of that phrase. ClipTrap will start okay with this. Now close ClipTrap and add one more line to the clip.txt. When you restart ClipTrap, the error should happen.
Now, I don't think it has to do with the number of lines - that is, the number of carriage return/line feeds. Because, if you take those 14922 lines + 1 and join them so that you only have one line, ClipTrap will start okay - but if you duplicate that really long line so that you have two lines, ClipTrap *won't* start.
So, it is just the GUI that has issues when it starts. If it is already started, you can have millions of lines in your clip.text and it is okay.
Anyway, there are a few ideas to play around with.