New Twiggly-Wiggly uploaded - 0.6
1. There's now a level 7 in place for those advanced players. Unfortunately it still says "Level 6" when it starts up, but take it from me - it's level 7.
Very twiggly-wiggly indeed!
Nice work.
Couple of bits of feedback.
1) Assassin balls, when aiming for the lower rows are often over enthusiastic and just head straight out of bands
2) which means on your next shot the ball will be an assassin, but not an iron ball
3) the ball remains an iron ball if the ball is still in play after assassin time is over
4) i like the orderly way that assassins select their targets (left to right, row by row), but could you possible make them sometimes head for their closest neighbours, possibly mitigating the effect described in 1.
Highest score tonight was 2.2mill, i'll get you next time JavaJones, next time...