I love Clipboard Help+Spell
every time Clipboard Help+Spell starts, it gives me three separate balloon tips in the system tray: "Starting up database", "Optimizing database", and "Ready and activated".
These are completely useless to me, but they very much draws my attention. This is really annoying to me. When they come, I think there is an important message, but there isn't. Furthermore, they make my task bar appear, which also adds to drawing my attention (my taskbar is auto-minimized at the right of the screen and is about 8 cm wide). I have to read the messages every time, because I cannot know whether it really
is an important message from Windows or so. There is even a sound which adds to the attention-drawing.
Could there at least be an option to turn those unimportant messages completely off?
Best regards,
Jesper Hertel