Not necessarily, Routers typically have a TTL that is higher than the surrounding workstations/printers/etc devices so they can be easily singled out.
-Stoic Joker
Agreed. I meant that the intial scan is for determining if a given IP in a subnet is alive/responding. Once you determine that, SNMP, et cetera, comes into play. I've written several SNMP-related tools for my workplace. It's a great (and maddingly frustrating at times) protoocol. =]
The main SNAFU with scanning for wireless devices (from a wired network) is that they tend to be bridged between wired/wireless media and therefore have no IP to query them with/at.
-Stoic Joker
Again, agreed. That's exactly the issue I was explaining to techidave.
Your app worked fine on my network at work. Very nice. The only issue I had with it was a listview redraw bug if you dragged another window over the top of yours.