40hz hits on a good point. That's why I found it so hard to say this is the best, or that's the best. When I was making my recommended software list on my website, I found the most practical way to keep it up was to just loosely talk about my favorite software and leave it at that. I don't bother with a consistent article format, or meticulously going through each feature, comparing it with the alternatives, benchmarks, etc. I found it was too much work and impossible to keep up without making it a full time job. So I just talk about why I like it, tell a couple of hopefully entertaining stories, maybe point out a favorite feature. My intent is to get the user to think, "hmm, that looks pretty good, I'll try it out." And hopefully, they have enough trust to believe that if I like it, there must be something to it.
Anyway, I know that's a little off topic. but whenever I see people talking about badges and reviews and comparisons, it gets me thinking about this. There are a lot of review sites and forums out there. But many of them are unreliable to me. That's why I liked Zaine's old list, before he went Linux. I trusted him, so I knew i could look for something on that list, and it was probably a safe bet that I would like it.