I tried this program out and found it completely disabled my sound. Major problem for other people too, and lots of posts on their forums about it. Disappointing to still find it was a problem given that the original reports were quite a few years ago, and disappointing that there never seemed to be any response from the company. I noticed on my system, the mute button on volume control was effectively disabled. Given the reports and the lack of an obvious solution, I didn't waste time trying to solve this (though I did have a look at what the program does and how it does it), I just did a system restore and returned to normal.
I do wonder whether there is a solution to my problem, and I expect that it works fine on most computers.
And I do think it is cheap at the offer price for what it does.
It seems to be able to do a good job searching, recording and tagging from streams. But do I want that? Well, probably not really. There's a lot of streams it covers (30k+) - but most are very poor quality and very few are good quality. OKish to listen to, but I wouldn't want to record from them. And I do have progs that can do it a bit anyway, though not so well, and I've never done it.
It seems to have a reasonable format converter. I have progs that do this anyway, and all I ever want to do is to get stuff into flac format for archiving and mp3 for playing. I do have some progs for video converting, but never use them; I don't collect many video files, though I can see that I might start doing it more in the future with all the tutorials etc around now.
The DRM removal does look a good feature. And I do remember removing DRM at some point in the past (I think I didn't put a tick in the right box when I ripped from a CD), so I must already have a prog that does it. Not so well I'm sure, but it isn't something I ever do. I generally rip from CDs; I never buy DRM protected tracks. Though I can imagine I would do this more if I ever get an ebook reader. Again, it looks good for video, but again it's not something I do; I don't rip from DVDs, though I can quite well enough with software I already have.
Managing the music I already have isn't something I'd use it for.
But, I'm still slightly attracted to the offer price; it seems as if it is something I might use on a different computer if I ever do start collecting videos. But, in the circumstances, I do find it rather odd that I feel slightly attracted rather than totally repelled.