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Author Topic: The Pen is more important than the Paper [Incomplete]  (Read 4536 times)

Paul Keith

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The Pen is more important than the Paper [Incomplete]
« on: November 21, 2009, 01:35 PM »
Just a longer modified version of app's old magic mop post from before she wrote her post

In my opinion, the foundation of all productivity systems is input and not output. (Not most, all) In fact, you could implement most productivity systems on a buggy software that can randomly wipe out your notes and still be more successful at implementing all these productivity systems than someone who has these systems in a stable, advanced all-in-one software but are constantly stoic about inputting anything into it.

Incomplete Rationalizations:

Inputs can often get things out of your head while something that stores, can only attract you to holding it and cherish what’s already in it so if you’re implementing an inefficient productivity system than inputting things gives you the interest to address those concerns while output only really tests how productive you already are/how much you are just mentally holding back.

PC problems and am currently deleting old GOE drafts so I'm pasting some of the ones I didn't submit. So far this is the only one.


1) The Overvaluers

The marketers, the rabid fanbase (often the “can afford to test lots of stuff” fanbase) and the regular blog advertisers who just like to pump anything as positively and absolutely a must read/must buy "highly sought after" item.

2) The Undervaluers

The poor/stingier people who needs no productivity system and has often learned to just continue pushing things through.

The "self-discipline is all you need” preachers and the people who’ve been burned by one item and have now attributed most items as lies built by consumers who were tricked by marketers.

3) The Gray Area-ers

The people who often mix this with their productivity blogs and systems but often end up sending a message that makes the item either undervalued or overvalued.

The “hindsight” guys who often mention the benefits in passing after the item has long been a staple of their lives and the “mediator” fans who often try to defend any whiff of an item’s flaw.

In the end, it really doesn’t work as an advise to be frugal but more of a reminder for how to make critical snap judgements on what expensive items to forget without feeling guilty about opportunities lost. (If it's top quality, you're eventually going to hear about it again anyway.)

Much less "salt doll" short quote:

Consider the portability of your entries.

(i.e. Cross-OS, Cross-application, Speed of import/export, Ease of import/export, Mobility etc... stuff that might seem obvious but blows up in your face because you got wrapped up in the schema of a software/notes set/system instead of getting organized.

Problems could even be as simple as just not "stress testing" your system and just sinking your teeth into it and trying to integrate it by turning it into a habit and just feeling comfortable about it until you no longer want to leave until something drastic happens.)

Other related quotes:

Finished is not checked off. Checking off is not finished. Finished is being able to build a ship to go to an island where you're unfinished.

Don’t look back on your logs, write logs that you would want to look back on.

You "can" afford to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.

Seems to me that "Inspire" is stronger than "Require" to get us going. We are inspired to produce something that will change the world. We are inspired to reach a desired outcome. It provides the catalyst to keep us moving forward.

I hope you realize that "What" happens to you is not what life is all about. What You "Do in "Reaction to what happens to you is what life is all about.

"This Too Shall Pass" ...or in the case of this topic: "The Pen too shall dry, the Paper too shall rot. The PC shall become more expensive. And so too Must your Productivity System Die." ~or something like that.


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Re: The Pen is more important than the Paper [Incomplete]
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 06:27 PM »
-another "This Too Shall Pass" is 3:54 min.

viewed 14 million times... for a reason!


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Re: The Pen is more important than the Paper [Incomplete]
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 07:52 PM »
And by shear coincidence, I'm just been linked to the making of.

P.S. Sorry Paul for the 'off topic'.