Hi there. Noob here. I have a question for all those here. I am after a piece of software that will allow me to collect data from an end user WITHOUT them having to have something like Access etc installed. I have (or will have) a predefined table structure (relational) and I want a bit of software that will allow me to design the database, design some input screens and then bundle the whole thing together to distribute to clients. They will open the "app", fill in their data (wizard driven, possibly) and then email me the resulting file containing the data which I can then import to our Geotechnical database system. It's mainly meant for our ludite drillers so that they can fill in data in the "field" (quite litterally, sometimes) and then email the data in.
I know that one of the big database packages used to be able to do this by the means of a redistributable runtime of the database engine, which meant you could build your database how you liked it and then send it to people together with the runtime, a bit like powerpoints Pack and Go function, problem is I can't remember which one it was, and I can't find any mention of anything like this on any of their web sites. I don't particulary want this to be web based, I'd much rather a stand alone application. Any Ideas?