@Deozaan: I see your acutely critical eye is still sharp!
What was the point in including the screenshot of the review? The only part of it that was helped by being an image was the image of the video clip, but even that was too blurry to read who the quote was attributed to.
Ah! A good question!
In answer, though you might not realise it, posting the screenshot of the whole review saved me heaps of time. It really did. In fact, if it hadn't, I probably would not have posted the review at all. You see, I had effectively already written the review up in my OneNote notes. I am a habitual note-maker - it helps me to learn - and I make notes on all sorts of stuff - including, for example:
• books that I read,
• videos that I watch and
• software that I trial - e.g., in the "Also-ran" PIM reviews I have done on the DC Forum.
After I had written the review notes up, I happened to share them with my sister in Canada (e.g., just copy/paste them into an email in Gmail). She had written to me about the film and apparently hadn't appreciated that "The Secret" had been debunked. Later, after reading the latest posts in this discussion thread (Re: What books are you reading?), and having already made the effort to put my energy into creating the notes, I thought that I should probably do my bit and post them in this discussion thread as well, because, well, "Why not?" - I mean, it might help people who hadn't read the book yet to get some idea of what to expect if they did read it. (At any rate, if I stumble across reviews of films or books that I am spending or am about to spend my precious cognitive surplus on, I tend to find them useful, just to get another perspective.)
So, after deciding to post the already-written review notes in this discussion thread, I was able to make the post in a trice. I thus avoided having to use the constipated and tedious BB code to make the post, simply by following these process steps:
(Note: For illustration, I have laid out the steps sequentially, below, but as it is a repetitive task I now actually use some Autohotkey macros and hotkey combos and skip about a bit more, to save time.)
Process Steps
Est. Time
Ø STEP 1: Copy entire block of RTF (Rich Text Format) notes - including embedded images - to the Clipboard using Ctrl+C. Note that this also captures the plain text into CHS (Clipboard Help & Spell).Optional: Give this clip a descriptive name and tick it as Favorite if I intend to keep it long-term in CHS.
~1 sec.
(~5 sec.)
Ø STEP 2: Bring up irfanview and Paste (Ctrl+P) the RTF contents of the Clipboard into an image file in irfanview - thus creating an exact image of the notes.
~3 sec.
Ø STEP 3: Copy the resultant image back to the Clipboard (i.e., now as an image), and then press Esc. to close irfanview without saving the file (there is no need to save it as this step automatically captures the image to CHS as a .PNG file).Optional: Give this clip a descriptive name and tick it as Favorite if I intend to keep it long-term in CHS.
~1 sec.
(~5 sec.)
Ø STEP 4: Open up a "Reply" frame in the discussion thread and type in a few introductory words into the text entry box and press "Preview".
~10 sec
Ø STEP 5: Click the text entry box where you want to insert the image and press the "Insert Image" button. This puts
What books are you reading? into the text entry box.Change [ Invalid Attachment ] to

~4 sec.
Ø STEP 6: Open CHS Grid display (Ctrl+Alt+A) and locate and Copy (Ctrl+C) the path+filename of the captured image .PNG file in CHS' storage folder (i.e., the image from Step 3). This path+filename is stored in the Clip Text tab of each image clip in CHS.See actual example in Image of Step 6 image clip data (below these notes).
~4 sec.
Ø STEP 7: Scroll down to "Attach:" and Paste (Ctrl+V) the path+filename into the "Choose File" field-box.
~4 sec.
Ø STEP 8: Click the text entry box somewhere below the

, where I want to insert the Spoiler.Type some random characters (I usually type "GGGG"), then select those characters and press the Spoiler button, which changes it to
in the text entry box.
~3 sec.
Ø STEP 9: Open CHS Grid display (Ctrl+Alt+A) and locate and Copy (Double-click) the plain text - previously captured in CHS in STEP 1 - to the Clipboard.See actual example in Image of Step 1 plain text clip (below these notes).
~3 sec.
Ø STEP 10: Return to the text entry box where the
is, select the "GGGG" and Paste (Ctrl+V) the plain text from the Clipboard to replace the "GGGG".
~3 sec.
Ø STEP 11: Briefly review/correct the contents of the text entry box, then press "Preview" button and check the result. If AOK, then press the Post button.
Note: This assumes that the text in the text entry box is auto-spellchecked as I go, and that the embedded text in the image was given a grammar check and spell-check in OneNote prior to STEP 1.
~5 sec.
~41 sec.+(~10 sec.)
The image of the video clip:
That was included as it shows evidence of the 3:38m appearance of the untrue quote in the 20min trailer clip. (I was trained to provide substantiation/references of any key/critical statements that I might make, you see, as a matter of courtesy and good practice. I do it automatically now.)
I apologise for the blurriness of that image, but that was attributable solely to the poor quality resolution of the video clip. I couldn't get any clearer frame, even after sharpening the image. Still, being evidential, it was good practice to include it rather than not to include it.
Image of Step 6 image clip data: getting path+filename
Image of Step 1 text clip: getting the plain text to copy to the Spoiler