ok... stay w/ me here.. I have some poorly coded apps that have very tiny dialog boxes with very tiny edit boxes, list controls, etc. These days most of us run 1280x1024 or higher resolutions and this is just unacceptable for certain tasks. I would like to be able to "grab" a control inside one of these dialogs and resize it. I believe this is possible, I have seen other programs "fiddle" with controls such as enabling "disabled" buttons, and making "non-resizable" windows resizable.
the way I see it working is, you run the program, it sits in the tray. Then you click to activate it, and as you hover the mouse over standard windows GUI controls (buttons, dialogs, editboxes etc) they will be outlined in red. Probably most of you have seen this type of thing with screen-capture programs when you choose "object" mode. Then if you select that control by clicking on it, you can grab its edge and resize it.
does anyone know if something like this is even possible?? I feel like it should be, but not sure. Hoping somebody will have the answer!!