Ok, I've already read the guidelines, and I'm pretty sure I'm abiding by them.
I'm going to re-design a website for a non-profit organization [positive-changes.org] that helps handicapped people that either don't have insurance, or have had their insurance cancelled.
What they've requested is a File Management system and a Content Management System in one application.
I found a file management system that they LOVE [PGRFileManager -
http://sourceforge.n...ects/pgrfilemanager/] and I also have heard great things about CKEditor (formerly FCKEditor) [ckeditor.com], so I thought I'd try to mix them together.
This is my 18th day straight now, and I can't figure out how to push them together. I'll admit, I'm still fairly novice at PHP, and chances are, this is something that can be throw together in a few minutes - I just don't know how.
Side note: For those of you who have downloaded PGRFM, in order to get it to work you have to edit the root directory in the config file - also, it shows up in german at first, but then it goes to English (I've already fixed this problem on my version).
I'm aware that PGRFM also has a "plugin" for FCKEditor - preferably, I'd like to have the ability to simply right click on a page inside the PGR file management system, and have "edit this file" in the context menu - and then CKEditor loads with the data from the file.
If anyone can figure this out, I would GREATLY appreciate it. My client (positive-changes.org) doesn't have the money to buy software like this (I'm actually doing the website for free), and I can't seem to find any open-source program to fit their needs.
Thanks for your time!