When people talk about internet speeds they invariably talk about Japan, select European countries, and other places that get to bask in the glory of 50+ mbps speeds. Places like Africa are nearly never mentioned & a lot of us neglect to 'remember' how much better we have it over others and that neglect extends a lot farther than just internet speeds as well.
In a digital world full of web pages heavy with crap like Flash, Java, and other crap & even a free AV program weighs in at 80+ MB the internet is developing into a world of haves and have-nots. It's not just about having internet access anymore. One needs to have fast internet access speeds in order to function well on today's information super-highway.
I had the opportunity the other day to watch someone trying to use eBay on a dial-up connection. It was mostly an exercise in frustration with mediocre results. What should be a web site with some images, some words, and a few text input fields was a bloated, sluggish experience on a dial-up modem.