Give this a shot (change variables at top to suit):
Header_Text := "EVD CAP 8"
Font_Size := "56"
Font_Style := "Arial"
Font_Color := "Yellow"
Gui, 1: +Toolwindow -Caption +Lastfound +AlwaysOnTop
GUI_ID := WinExist()
Gui, 1: +LastFound
Gui, 1: Margin, 0, 0
Gui, 1: Font, s%Font_Size% c%Font_Color%, % Font_Style
Gui, 1: Add, Text, xm+450 ym+5 0x200 vmyText, % Header_Text
Gui, 1: Font
Gui, 1: Color, EEAA99
WinSet, Transcolor, EEAA99
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+40 ym+125 w120 h25 vmyButton01 gonClick, NDF + LTC mp2
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+40 ym+150 w120 h25 vmyButton02 gonClick, DF + LTC mp2
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+40 ym+175 w120 h25 vmyButton03 gonClick, PAL + LTC mp2
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+40 ym+220 w120 h25 vmyButton04 gonClick, NDF L-R + L-LTC simo
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+40 ym+245 w120 h25 vmyButton05 gonClick, DF L-R + L-LTC simo
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+40 ym+270 w120 h25 vmyButton06 gonClick, PAL L-R + L-LTC simo
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+230 ym+125 w120 h25 vmyButton07 gonClick, NDF 3-4 + 3-LTC mp2
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+230 ym+150 w120 h25 vmyButton08 gonClick, DF 3-4 + 3-LTC mp2
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+230 ym+175 w120 h25 vmyButton09 gonClick, PAL 3-4 + 3-LTC mp2
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+230 ym+220 w120 h25 vmyButton10 gonClick, Future button 1
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+230 ym+245 w120 h25 vmyButton11 gonClick, Future button 2
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+230 ym+270 w120 h25 vmyButton12 gonClick, Future button 3
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+915 ym+125 w120 h25 vmyButton13 gonClick, Future button 4
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+915 ym+150 w120 h25 vmyButton14 gonClick, Future button 5
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+915 ym+175 w120 h25 vmyButton15 gonClick, Future button 6
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+350 ym+710 w100 h25 vmyButton16 gonClick, Switch to NTSC
Gui, 1: Add, Button, xm+465 ym+710 w100 h25 vmyButton17 gonClick, Switch to PAL
Gui, 1: Show, x0 y0 w1280 h768, Overlay
Return ; End of auto-execute section.
Gui, 2: Submit, NoHide
If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton01" )
; Do stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "NDF + LTC mp2".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton02" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "DF + LTC mp2".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton03" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "PAL + LTC mp2".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton04" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "NDF L-R + L-LTC simo".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton05" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "DF L-R + L-LTC simo".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton06" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "PAL L-R + L-LTC simo".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton07" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "NDF 3-4 + 3-LTC mp2".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton08" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "DF 3-4 + 3-LTC mp2".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton09" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "PAL 3-4 + 3-LTC mp2".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton10" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Future button 1".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton11" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Future button 2".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton12" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Future button 3".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton13" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Future button 4".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton14" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Future button 5".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton15" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Future button 6".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton16" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Switch to NTSC".
Else If ( A_GuiControl = "myButton17" )
; Do other stuff here.
MsgBox, You clicked "Switch to PAL".