[05:58] <dcjet345> hello has anyone got windows 7 here
[05:58] * polarcode is running win7 at the moment
[05:59] <dcjet345> do u have circle dock working
[05:59] <polarcode> nope, i don't use circle dock
[06:00] <polarcode> what's the problem, i might be able to help
[06:00] <dcjet345> what do u use
[06:00] <polarcode> RocketDock
[06:01] <dcjet345> click on the links mouserbot put on above and thats the post i have put on
[06:01] * polarcode clickies
[06:01] <dcjet345> whats clickies
[06:02] <polarcode> 'clicks on the mouserbot link'
[06:02] <dcjet345> hello mouserbot have u looked at my post
[06:02] <polarcode> MouserBot is... a robot
[06:02] <polarcode> a computer program
[06:02] <polarcode> not a real, live person
[06:03] <dcjet345> hello polarcode go to the forum page and look for "wheres the original setup2 its on the first page
[06:04] <polarcode> okay
[06:04] <polarcode> i found it
[06:04] <polarcode> just a sec
[06:04] <polarcode> booting up the win7 vm
[06:04] <dcjet345> ok
[06:04] <dcjet345> what does that mean
[06:05] <polarcode> i'm opening the virtual machine i use for testing software
[06:05] <dcjet345> ok cheers mate
[06:06] <polarcode> k, i'm in 7, i'll try installing circle dock now
[06:06] <dcjet345> ok
[06:08] <polarcode> it's 11 mb, so might take a bit
[06:08] <dcjet345> ok
[06:09] <dcjet345> r u downloadin it from the home page
[06:09] <polarcode> yes.
[06:09] <polarcode> i want to see what the error message is
[06:09] <polarcode> and if it can be patched
[06:10] <dcjet345> ok
[06:11] <polarcode> hmm
[06:11] <polarcode> worked _just fine_
[06:11] <polarcode> for me
[06:11] <dcjet345> what
[06:11] <polarcode> on win7 rtm
[06:11] <dcjet345> how did u do it
[06:12] <polarcode> unzip and run?
[06:12] <polarcode> what error message do you get
[06:13] <dcjet345> wait a sec ill try it agin and tell u the error
[06:13] <polarcode> try right clicking it and running it as an administrator
[06:14] <polarcode>
http://is.gd/2X2gO <- proof of it running on win7
[06:14] <polarcode> (and yes, that's an illegal copy of win7, go sue me
[06:15] <dcjet345> i wont dont worry
[06:15] <polarcode> what's the error message? did running as an admin fix it?
[06:16] * polarcode enables UAC just to test
[06:16] <dcjet345>
http://up.embed.mibb....com/up/AH6bb7n6.jpg this is the error i tryed admin and same thing
[06:17] <polarcode> 404s for me
[06:17] <polarcode> can you upload to imageshack/666kb?
[06:18] <dcjet345> im just uploading it now
[06:19] <dcjet345> its slow
[06:21] <dcjet345>
http://img200.images...00/6038/41496773.jpg[06:21] <dcjet345> click the pic above
[06:21] <polarcode> okay, let me look
[06:22] <dcjet345> ok cheers mate
[06:22] <polarcode> hmm... did you use nLite to tweak your win7 install?
[06:23] <dcjet345> whats that
[06:23] <polarcode> *vLite, and if you don't know what it is then you didn't. okay.
[06:23] <polarcode> let's see...
[06:23] <dcjet345> ok
[06:24] <polarcode> go to
www.beeblebrox.org and install HashTab
[06:24] <dcjet345> whats that
[06:24] <polarcode> an application that adds a tab to Explorer with file hashes
[06:25] <polarcode> error 0xc000007b = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT
[06:25] <dcjet345> ok downloadin now
[06:25] <polarcode> # The application or DLL %hs is not a valid Windows image.
[06:25] <polarcode> # Please check this against your installation diskette.
[06:25] <dcjet345> im installin now
[06:26] <dcjet345> rite its installed what shall i do now
[06:26] <polarcode> go to your circle dock folder
[06:26] <polarcode> right click on circledock.exe
[06:26] <polarcode> click on file hashes
[06:26] <polarcode> ^* click on properties, file hashes
[06:26] <polarcode> right click on MD5, copy
[06:26] <polarcode> and paste it here.
[06:28] <dcjet345> 4DC0564750AAF0E790F587F3B4C5621E
[06:28] <polarcode> okay, the files don't match, mine starts with 493
[06:28] <polarcode> I assume you're using 0.9.2 Alpha 8
[06:28] <polarcode> right?
[06:28] <dcjet345> yeah what you usin
[06:28] <polarcode> 0.9.2 Alpha 8
[06:28] <polarcode> okay
[06:28] <dcjet345> ok
[06:29] <polarcode> the files are _not_ the same
[06:29] <polarcode> so there's a chance your file is either corrupted
[06:29] <polarcode> or infected by a virus
[06:29] <polarcode> do you still have the zip file
[06:29] <dcjet345> send me your folder to my email address hathaway919
(at) googlemail
(dot) com
[06:29] <polarcode> erm
[06:30] <dcjet345> yes i do have the zip fil
[06:30] <polarcode> my folder is just the normal install
[06:30] <polarcode> do a md5 of the zip file please
[06:30] <dcjet345> ok
[06:31] <dcjet345> im downloadin again
[06:31] <dcjet345> cause i cant find it
[06:32] <polarcode> make sure you download from
http://voxel.dl.sour...ock0.9.2Alpha8.2.zip[06:33] <dcjet345> ok
[06:35] <dcjet345> 84DC6602635328277C7790F056AB179C
[06:36] <polarcode> okat
[06:36] <polarcode> that's correct
[06:36] <polarcode> extract it
[06:36] <polarcode> try to run it
[06:36] <dcjet345> ok
[06:36] <polarcode> and if it fails, md5 the exe again
[06:37] <dcjet345> its failed
[06:37] <polarcode> okay
[06:37] <polarcode> md5 the exe
[06:37] <dcjet345> 1425529FE3A6798F3B600BE79D460CA8
[06:38] <polarcode> that's definitely not right
[06:38] <dcjet345> can u email me the exe and il try that
[06:38] <polarcode> nope
[06:38] <polarcode> your exe is being modified
[06:38] <dcjet345> why
[06:38] <polarcode> by _something_
[06:38] <polarcode> my exe would do the same thing
[06:38] <polarcode> it's probably a virus
[06:38] <dcjet345> what could it be
[06:38] <polarcode> send me your exe
[06:38] <polarcode> and i'll take a look
[06:39] <dcjet345> whats your email
[06:39] <polarcode> scancode [at] gmail [dot] com
[06:39] <polarcode> please put it in a zip/rar with password
[06:39] <polarcode> (and send the exe alone)
[06:41] <dcjet345> i dont now how to make a password
[06:41] <polarcode> what compression program do you use?
[06:41] <polarcode> winrar?
[06:41] <dcjet345> winrar
[06:42] <dcjet345> yes
[06:42] <polarcode> right click the exe
[06:42] <polarcode> add to archive
[06:42] <polarcode> advanced
[06:42] <polarcode> set password
[06:42] <polarcode> click 'encrypt file names'
[06:42] <polarcode> and enter a password in both text fields
[06:43] <polarcode> 'virus' would be a good choice
[06:43] <polarcode> then click ok and ok and the file will be rard'
[06:45] <dcjet345> check ur email
[06:46] <dcjet345> have u got the email
[06:46] <polarcode> it's here
[06:46] <polarcode> just a sec
[06:46] <dcjet345> ok
[06:47] <polarcode> Win32/Virut
[06:47] <polarcode> good luck getting rid of that one buddy
[06:47] <dcjet345> how do i get rid of it
[06:47] <polarcode> in short: you can't
[06:47] <polarcode> there's a removal tool
[06:47] <polarcode> a couple of them actually
[06:47] <dcjet345> where
[06:47] <polarcode> but since it _modifies_ EXEs
[06:47] <polarcode> most of them end up corrupt when repaired
[06:48] <polarcode> do you use any antivirus software?
[06:48] <dcjet345> no
[06:48] <polarcode> that explains it!
[06:48] <polarcode> virut is an exe infector
[06:48] <polarcode> (attaches itself to exe files)
[06:49] <polarcode> it's a pretty nasty piece of malware... your best bet is backing up your data, formatting, and reinstalling the OS
[06:49] <polarcode> sorry man :/
[06:50] <dcjet345> iv tried the avg removal tool
[06:51] <dcjet345> it frozen up
[06:51] <polarcode> i repeat: there's no easy way to get rid of it
[06:51] <polarcode> i got infected by it once
[06:51] <polarcode> formatting was the only way out
[06:53] <dcjet345> ok il try that thank you very much for all your help have a good day i will email you l8ter if i get it working
[06:54] <polarcode> again
[06:54] <polarcode> you will _not_ get it working
[06:54] <polarcode> because the program gets corrupted
[06:54] <polarcode> wait a second and i'll give you a link
[06:56] <polarcode> your version:
http://is.gd/2X6aV[06:56] * dcjet345 (
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