Dear Coders,
I'm a non-programmer with only basic scripting skills.
I want to mass-extract file names from a folder and write them to a text file. The "\" in the path should be converted to "<". An AutoHotkey script would be great because there is a chance that I might be able to modify it.
1. Select folder from a menu
2. Extract folder paths and convert them to my desired format:
P:\Z_Systems\Favoriten yields the following:
P:<Z_Systems<Favoriten<folder 1\folder 1
P:<Z_Systems<Favoriten<some other folder\some other folder
Mind that there should be a backslash after the actual folder name followed by the last folder name.
It should issue a warning should one of the paths have more than 127 characters. I will put in that warning by myself later.
3. Write these files to a text file that is saved on the desktop.
... That's it.
It would be kind of nifty if I would be able to select between files and folders at the beginning (either one or the other should be extracted, but not both).
P:<Z_Systems<Favoriten<file 1.doc\file 1.doc
Thank you so much!